Environment and Climate Change Journalist: Zulker Naeen

Climate Journalism
Is Climate Journalism Course affordable

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Zulker Naeen is a freelance journalist, covers stories of climate change-induced food insecurity, natural calamities, and migration. As a citizen of one of the most climate-vulnerable nations, Zulker focuses his work on climate change. He works with the Climate Tracker to report climate resiliency for vulnerable women and access to climate finance. 

He involves in the Climate Tracker South Asia network, which improves the environmental consciousness of youth. 

He is also one of the Bangladeshi to win the South Asia Fellowship under Climate Tracker, is a global media network closely works on Climate Change. 

Zulker has completed the Train the Trainer: Effective Climate Change Communication, an initiative to convert this workshop resource into replicable modules, to empower qualified journalists to deliver training on the major climate journalism topics, and to establish a certification process for journalists. 

Zulker has a master’s degree in Communications and a bachelor’s degree in Media Studies and Journalism from the University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh.

Zulker Naeen has developed courses with the support of other Climate Tracker staff. As a young climate advocate, his fellowship aims to share knowledge of climate change.

Is Climate Journalism Course affordable in Bangladesh?

Climate Journalism Course is now affordable, unbelievable too. Moreover, this course aims to enhance understanding of climate change impacts on biodiversity.

Fortunately, this online course is for passionate writer and next journalists with limited experience engaging with climate change issues and ecosystem services interactions with biodiversity locally, nationally and internationally.

The course participants assess the climate change-related issues relevant to available articles in biodiversity, identify the topics and then follow appropriate writing style. 

Participants also develop a writing skill to relate the human-climate fact within 1 to 2 months after the training workshop.

Applicants to this training course need not demonstrate prior experience of journalism and how skills gained will be utilized after the workshop.

Communicating Climate Change is to promote knowledge on climate change issues and to cover journalism skills. We’re opening this extensive course to prepare the next climate journalist. 

You may not a subject matter expert, but you will become familiar with the concepts, approaches, and climate journalism staples. 

To promote Climate Journalism in Bangladesh, we’re opening this course on climate change to prepare the next journalist. With this great objective, we will run a three-month campaign to introduce this course among students with an extensive collaboration of the interested partners.

Moreover, this campaign aims to teach students between graduate and post-graduate. That is why; we are emphasizing their pattern of seeking information, to influence them to enrol on this course by ensuring their active participation.

A social media campaign will run to promote this course. University faculty, expert, practitioners, and journalist will engage with this initiative. 

Key objectives of this course:

  1. To give basic knowledge on climate change issues
  2. To guide the participants on climate journalism topics
  3. To launch a certification process for participants who wish to publish an article as a trainee journalist.

A summary of this curriculum—

  • Learning: Climate Change Issues in the context of Bangladesh 
  • Skills Development: Climate Journalism Staples
  • Content Training: Making the Climate-human Link
  • Evaluation: Online Exam
  • Reward: Certification

What the participants will learn

  • Basic Knowledge on Climate Change
  • Climate Issues
  • Climate and Health
  • Climate Change and its impact on Bangladesh
  • Climate Journalism Training
  • Climate Change Communication in Social Media



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